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你了解fūck的精髓吗? ……wp办公室|wpoffice.cn……


1、沮丧—这TM的到底怎么回事?(“What the fūck is going on here?” )

2、辞职—去他的吧。(“Oh, fūck it!” )

3、挑战—CAO!(“fūck GFW!” )

4、疑惑—你TM的到底谁啊?(“Who the fūck are you?” )

5、欺诈—我TM的被卖车的给骗了!(“I got fūcked by the car dealer.” )

6、厌恶—我靠!(“fūck me.” )

7、困惑—这TM的到底…?(“What the fūck…?” )

8、困难—我真不明白这倒霉生意!(“I don’t understand this fūcking business!”)

9、方位—滚一边去!(“fūck off.” )

10、麻烦—这回我完蛋了。( “I guess I’m fūcked now.” )

11、冷漠—到底是TM的谁搞成这样的?(“Who really gives a fūck, anyhow?” )

12、开心—我TM的太高兴了。(“I fūcking couldn’t be happier.” )

13、惊恐—我们快点儿离开这倒霉地方吧。(Let’s get the fūck out of here.” )

14、怀疑—真TM的难以置信。(“Un-fūcking believable!” )

15、绝望—又TM的…..(“fūcked again….” )

16、报复—小心我揍死你!(“Up your fūcking ass!” )

17、拒绝—我TM的才不干呢。(“I didn’t fūcking do it.” )

18、惊讶—你丫在这儿干吗呢?(“What the fūck are you doing here?”)

19、敬畏—你TM的到底是怎么做到的?(“How the fūck did you do that?” )

20、茫然—我TM的什么都知道!(“I know fūck-all about it.” )

21、迷路—我们TM的到底在哪儿呢?(“Where the fūck are we?” )

22、问候—你TM的最近怎么样啊?(How the fūck are ya?” )

更多文章关注:wp办公室 wpoffice.cn

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